Brittany Parent

Director of Preschool

Brittany comes from a small town, big family life. She was born in Arkansas, raised in Louisiana, lived in Mississippi, and is now back in Arkansas. She accepted Jesus into her life when she was 8. As a child, Brittany learned that her body is a vessel for the Holy Spirit and that her life is meant to bring glory to God. 2 Corinthians 4:7 says, “But we have this treasure in clay jars, so that it may be clear that this extraordinary power belongs to God and does not come from us.” She has always had a heart for children and who better to share a treasure with than children! God began preparing her for ministry with ABCFM long before she even realized it, by gaining experience through years of working with children including 11 years of teaching and serving in children’s ministry. She earned a bachelor’s degree in General Studies with a focus in Applied Behavioral Sciences from Southeastern Louisiana University and a Certificate of Proficiency in Early Childhood Education from Pulaski Technical College. When not working, Brittany loves spending time with family and friends. She loves being outdoors and met her husband on a group camping trip. She is married to Paul Parent who serves on the Finance Team for ABCFM, and they are blessed to have their son and joy of their lives, Owen. Brittany is excited to be part of this ministry and can’t wait to reveal the treasure of God’s love to the children of Explorers Academy!